function gotoHome() { document.location.href='/index.php'; } function changeLanguage(l) { if (l=="ko") secDom="www"; else secDom=l; url="https://"+secDom+""; document.location.href=url; } /*==================================================================================================== 서비스 */ function serviceSeoulCityTourBus() { document.location.href='/service/seoulcitytourbus.php'; } function serviceTourCourse() { document.location.href='/service/tour_course_list.php'; } function serviceTourCourseView(c) { if (c=="N") { alertLayer("Warning","Being prepared."); return; } document.location.href='/service/tour_course_view.php?code='+c; } function serviceBusInfo() { document.location.href='/service/bus_info.php'; } function aboutCitytourBus() { document.location.href='/service/about.php'; } function contactUS() { document.location.href='/service/contact_us.php'; } /*==================================================================================================== 서비스 */ /*==================================================================================================== 사이드 아이콘 */ /* var hpChat=false; function chatting() { hpChat=true; //alertLayer("Warning","Being prepared.");; } $(document).ready(function() { ht.event.on('happytalk:close', function () { hpChat=false; }); $($('#HappytalkIframe').contents().find('#ChatWindow')).on("hide", function(){ console.log("menu off"); }); console.log($('#HappytalkIframe').contents().find('#ChatWindow').attr('id')); console.log($('#HappytalkIframe').html()); }); */ function weather() {""); } function gotoVisitKorea() {""); } function gotoInstagram() { //"");""); } function gotoBlog() {""); } /*==================================================================================================== 사이드 아이콘 */ //예약 부분 function reservation(c) { if (c==0) { document.location.href='/reservation/reservation.php'; } else if (c=="N") { alertLayer("Warning","Being prepared."); return; } else { document.location.href='/reservation/reservation.php?code='+c; } } function reservationCheck() { document.location.href='/reservation/reservation_check_1.php'; } function reservationGuide() { document.location.href='/reservation/reservation_guide.php'; } //제휴할인 function allianceList() { document.location.href='/alliance/alliance_list.php'; } //제휴할인 이용안내 function allanceUseInfo() { document.location.href='/alliance/alliance_use_info.php'; } function allianceView(c) { } function allianceRegist(c) { document.location.href='/alliance/alliance_regist.php?mode='+c; } //고객센터 function customerFAQ() { document.location.href='/customer/faq.php'; } //문의 작성 function customerQNA(c) { alertLayer("Warning","Hello!
In order to provide better services, this board is operated for members only.
If you are not a member yet, you can easily sign up and start using it.
If you would like to log in or sign up, please click the button below."); //memberLogin(); } //문의 내역 function customerQNA_list() { alertLayer("Warning","Hello!
In order to provide better services, this board is operated for members only.
If you are not a member yet, you can easily sign up and start using it.
If you would like to log in or sign up, please click the button below."); //memberLogin(); } //공지이벤트 function boardList(t) { document.location.href='/board/board_list.php?t='+t; } function boardView(t,c) { document.location.href='/board/board_view.php?t='+t+'&code='+c; } //이용약관 function footerUserTerm() { document.location.href='/service/user_term.php'; } function footerPersonTerm() { document.location.href='/service/person_term.php'; } /*==================================================================================================== 모달창 관련 */ //얼럿 메세지가 회원 전용이라는 메세지가 있을 경우 로그인 창 띄우기 function checkAlertMsg() { if ($("#id_alert_msg").html()=="Hello!
In order to provide better services, this board is operated for members only.
If you are not a member yet, you can easily sign up and start using it.
If you would like to log in or sign up, please click the button below.") { $("#id_alert_msg").html(""); memberLogin(); } } function alertLayer(title,msg) { $("#id_alert_title").html(title); $("#id_alert_msg").html(msg); common.popOpen("#id_alert_layer"); } function confirmLayerResult(c) { form=document.confirmLayerForm; g=form.g.value; obj=form.obj.value; if (c=="Y") { if (g=="CHANNEL_NICKNAME") { //네이버로 가입 후 닉네임 입력시 창을 닫을 경우 가입이 안되며 메인 페이지로 이동 document.location.href='/index.php'; } if (g=="CHANGE_NEW_PWD") { document.location.href='/index.php'; } if (g=="CANCEL_RESERVED") { if (cancelPrc) { cancelReservationStart(); } } if (g=="MEMBER_OUT") { outMemberGO(); } if (g=="REVIEW_DELETE") { common.popClose("#id_confirm_layer"); hidFrm.location.href='/service/toure_coure_review_delete.php?code='+obj } if (g=="QNA_DELETE") { common.popClose("#id_confirm_layer"); hidFrm.location.href='/customer/qna_delete.php?code='+obj } } else { if (g=="CHANNEL_NICKNAME") { //네이버로 가입 후 닉네임 입력시 창을 닫을 경우 가입을 계속 할 경우 common.popClose("#id_confirm_layer"); } if (g=="CHANGE_NEW_PWD") { common.popClose("#id_confirm_layer"); } if (g=="CANCEL_RESERVED") { common.popClose("#id_confirm_layer"); common.popClose(obj); } if (g=="MEMBER_OUT") { common.popClose("#id_confirm_layer"); } if (g=="REVIEW_DELETE") { common.popClose("#id_confirm_layer"); } if (g=="QNA_DELETE") { common.popClose("#id_confirm_layer"); } } } function confirmLayer(obj,g) { var title=""; var msg=""; //채널 닉네임 if (g=="CHANNEL_NICKNAME") { title="Warning"; msg="If you close the window, registration will not be completed. Are you sure you want to cancel your registration?"; } //비밀번호 변경 if (g=="CHANGE_NEW_PWD") { title="Warning"; msg="If you close the window, you cannot change your password again. Are you sure you want to cancel?"; } //비밀번호 변경 if (g=="CANCEL_RESERVED") { title="Warning"; msg="Would you like to cancel your reservation?"; } //멤버 탈퇴 if (g=="MEMBER_OUT") { title="Warning"; msg="If you cancel, recovery is impossible. Would you like to delete your membership?"; } //리뷰 삭제 if (g=="REVIEW_DELETE") { title="Warning"; msg="Are you sure you want to delete the review?"; } //QNA 삭제 if (g=="QNA_DELETE") { title="Warning"; msg="Are you sure you want to delete the review?"; } form=document.confirmLayerForm; form.g.value=g; form.obj.value=obj; if (title!="" && msg!="") { $("#id_confirm_title").html(title); $("#id_confirm_msg").html(msg); common.popOpen("#id_confirm_layer"); } } function delayLayerResult(c) { form=document.delayLayerForm; g=form.g.value; obj=form.obj.value; if (c=="Y") { if (g=="CHANGE_MEMBER_INFO") { //정보 수정 후 리로드 document.location.reload(); } if (g=="ADMIN_SET_PWD") { //비밀번호 변경 페이지로 이동한다. document.location.href='/member/mypage.php'; } if (g=="CHANGE_NEW_PWD") { //암호 변경창 닫고 로그인창 연다. //common.popClose(obj); //common.popClose("#id_delay_layer"); //memberLogin(); document.location.href='/index.php'; } if (g=="CANCEL_RESERVED") { //정보 수정 후 리로드 //document.location.reload(); document.location.href='/reservation/reservation_check_1.php'; } if (g=="ALLIANCE_REGIST") { //정보 수정 후 리로드 document.location.reload(); } if (g=="QNA_REGIST") { //정보 등록후 qna 리스트 페이지로 이동 customerQNA_list(); } if (g=="CONTACT_US_REGIST") { //정보 등록후 메인 페이지로 이동 document.location.href='/index.php'; } if (g=="MEMBER_OUT") { parent.location.href='/index.php'; } if (g=="REVIEW_REGIST") { parent.location.href='/service/tour_course_review.php?code='+obj; } } } function delayOkLayer(obj,g) { var title=""; var msg=""; if (g=="CHANGE_MEMBER_INFO") { title="Confirm"; msg="Information has been corrected."; } if (g=="ADMIN_SET_PWD") { title="Confirm"; msg="Please register a new password."; } if (g=="CHANGE_NEW_PWD") { title="Confirm"; msg="A new password has been applied. Please log in again"; } if (g=="CANCEL_RESERVED") { title="Confirm"; msg="Cancellation has been processed."; } if (g=="ALLIANCE_REGIST") { title="Confirm"; msg="Registered."; } if (g=="QNA_REGIST") { title="Confirm"; msg="Registered."; } if (g=="CONTACT_US_REGIST") { title="Confirm"; msg="Registered."; } if (g=="MEMBER_OUT") { title="Confirm"; msg="Your membership has been deleted."; } if (g=="REVIEW_REGIST") { title="Confirm"; msg="Registered."; } form=document.delayLayerForm; form.g.value=g; form.obj.value=obj; if (title!="" && msg!="") { $("#id_delay_title").html(title); $("#id_delay_msg").html(msg); common.popOpen("#id_delay_layer"); } } /*==================================================================================================== 모달창 관련 */ /*==================================================================================================== 회원 관련 */ var s_email=""; var s_nickname=""; //이메일 중복 검사 function duplicateEmail(g) { if (g=="WEB") email=$("#id_reg_email").val(); if (g=="NAVER") email=$("#id_reg_email_name").val(); if (!email || $.trim(email)=="") { alertLayer("Warning","Please enter your email address."); return; } $.ajax({ url: "/load_json/load_email.php", data: { email : email , }, method: "POST", dataType: "json" // 서버에서 보내줄 데이터의 타입 }) .done(function(json) { duplicateEmail_result(json); }) .fail(function(xhr, status, errorThrown) { alertLayer("Warning","communication error"); }) } //이메일 중복 결과 function duplicateEmail_result(json) { if (json.msg=="exist") { alertLayer("Warning","This is a duplicate email. Check it out by signing up."); } if (json.msg=="error") { alertLayer("Warning","It is not an email format."); } if (json.msg=="none") { alertLayer("Warning","You can use this email for sign-up."); } } //닉네임 중복 검사 function duplicateNickname(g) { if (g=="WEB") nickname=$("#id_reg_nick").val(); if (g=="CHANNEL") nickname=$("#id_reg_nick_channel").val(); if (!nickname || $.trim(nickname)=="") { alertLayer("Warning","Please enter your nickname."); return; } $.ajax({ url: "/load_json/load_nick.php", data: { nickname : nickname , }, method: "POST", dataType: "json" // 서버에서 보내줄 데이터의 타입 }) .done(function(json) { duplicateNickname_result(json); }) .fail(function(xhr, status, errorThrown) { alertLayer("Warning","communication error"); }) } //닉네임 중복 결과 function duplicateNickname_result(json) { if (json.msg=="exist") { alertLayer("Warning","This is a duplicate nickname."); } if (json.msg=="error_length") { alertLayer("Warning","Nicknames can be at least 2 to 15 characters long."); } if (json.msg=="error_bad") { alertLayer("Warning","Your nickname contains prohibited words."); } if (json.msg=="error") { alertLayer("Warning","Nicknames can only be in Korean, English, and numbers."); } if (json.msg=="none") { alertLayer("Warning","This is a nickname that you can sign up for."); s_nickname=json.nickname; } } //웹 가입 function registMemberCheck() { form=document.memberRegistForm;; gNickname=form.nickname.value; if (!gEmail || $.trim(gEmail)=="") { alertLayer("Warning","Please enter your email address.");; return; } if (!gNickname || $.trim(gNickname)=="") { alertLayer("Warning","Please enter your nickname."); form.nickname.focus(); return; } if (!s_email || s_email!=gEmail) { alertLayer("Warning","Please check your email for duplicates."); return; } if (!s_nickname || gNickname!=s_nickname) { alertLayer("Warning","Please check for duplicate nicknames."); return; } if (!form.pwd.value || $.trim(form.pwd.value)=="") { alertLayer("Warning","Please enter a password."); form.pwd.focus(); return; } if (form.pwd.value!=form.pwd_chk.value) { alertLayer("Warning","Passwords do not match. Please re-enter"); form.pwd_chk.focus(); return; } if (!$("input[name=ad_agree]").is(":checked")) { alertLayer("Warning","Please select whether to agree or decline to receive advertising information."); return; } if (!$('#id_agree').is(':checked')) { alertLayer("Warning","To sign up, you must agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use."); form.agree.focus(); return; } form.method='post'; form.action='/member/member_web_join.php';'hidFrm'; form.submit(); } //로그인 창 보이기 function memberLogin() { common.popClose("#id_join_check_result_layer"); form=document.memberLoginForm;""; form.pwd.value=""; common.popOpen("#id_login_layer"); } //회원가입 완료후 로그인 진행 function reLogin() { common.popClose("#id_member_regist_complete_layer"); memberLogin(); } //로그인 진행 function memberLoginProcess() { form=document.memberLoginForm; if (! || $.trim("") { alertLayer("Warning","Please enter your email address."); return; } if (!form.pwd.value || $.trim(form.pwd.value)=="") { alertLayer("Warning","Please enter a password."); return; } form.method='post';'hidFrm'; form.action='/member/login.php'; form.submit(); } //회원 가입창 보이기 function memberRegist() { //로그인창은 기본적으로 닫는다. common.popClose("#id_login_layer"); form=document.memberRegistForm;""; form.nickname.value=""; form.pwd.value=""; form.pwd_chk.value=""; s_email=""; s_nickname=""; $('input[name="ad_agree"]').each(function() { $(this).prop('checked',false); }); $("#id_agree").prop("checked",false); common.popOpen("#id_member_regist_layer"); } //가입확인창 보이기 function memberConfirm() { //로그인창은 기본적으로 닫는다. common.popClose("#id_login_layer"); form=document.joinCheckForm;""; common.popOpen("#id_join_check_layer"); } //가입확인창 이메일 입력 function memberJoinCheck() { form=document.joinCheckForm; if (! || $.trim("") { alertLayer("Warning","Please enter your email address.");; return; } form.method='post';'hidFrm'; form.action='/member/member_check.php'; form.submit(); } //가입확인창 이메일 결과 function memberJoinCheck_result(msg,id_type) { common.popClose("#id_join_check_layer"); $("#id_join_check_result_msg").html(msg); if (id_type!="WEB") { $("#id_join_check_result_pwd_btn").hide(); $("#id_join_check_result_btn").addClass("ac"); } else { $("#id_join_check_result_btn").removeClass("ac"); } common.popOpen("#id_join_check_result_layer"); } //비밀번호 찾기 창 보이기 function memberSearchPwd() { form=document.searchPwdForm;""; common.popClose("#id_join_check_result_layer"); common.popClose("#id_login_layer"); common.popOpen("#id_search_pwd_layer"); } function memberSearchPwd_check() { form=document.searchPwdForm; if (! || $.trim("") { alertLayer("Warning","Please enter your email address.");; return; } form.method='post';'hidFrm'; form.action='/member/search_email.php'; form.submit(); } function changeNewPwd() { form=document.changePwdForm; if (!form.pwd.value || $.trim(form.pwd.value)=="") { alertLayer("Warning","Please enter a password."); form.pwd.focus(); return; } if (form.pwd.value!=form.pwd_chk.value) { alertLayer("Warning","Passwords do not match. Please re-enter"); form.pwd_chk.focus(); return; } form.method='post';'hidFrm'; form.action='/member/change_email_post.php'; form.submit(); } function memberMyInfo() { document.location.href='/member/mypage.php'; } //로그아웃 function memberLogout() { /* document.location.href='/member/logout.php'; */ document.location.href='/member/logout.php'; } $(document).ready(function() { $("#id_search_email").on("click",function() { duplicateEmail("WEB"); }); $("#id_search_nick").on("click",function() { duplicateNickname("WEB"); }); $("#id_search_nick_channel").on("click",function() { duplicateNickname("CHANNEL"); }); }); /*==================================================================================================== 회원 관련 */ //심플 가입==================================================================================================== //페이스북====================================================== window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({ appId : '683387049951931', cookie : false, xfbml : true, version : 'v15.0', }); FB.AppEvents.logPageView(); }; (function(d, s, id){ var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;} js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = ""; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); function facebook_statusChangeCallback(response) { return response.status; } function logOutFacebook() { re=facebook_statusChangeCallback(response); if (re==="connected") { FB.logout(function(response) { // Person is now logged out }); } } function simpleRegistFacebook() { alertLayer("Warning","Being prepared."); /* FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) { re=facebook_statusChangeCallback(response); if (re==="connected") { //이미 FB로그인 상태 //로그인 프로세스로 이동 } else { //FB 로그인 창 오픈 FB.login(function(response) { FB.api('/me', 'get', {fields: 'name,email'}, function(r) { console.log(r); }) }, {scope: 'public_profile,email'}); } }); */ } //페이스북====================================================== function simpleRegistApple() { document.location.href='/api/call_apple.php'; } function simpleRegistGoogle() { //alertLayer("Warning","Being prepared."); document.location.href='/api/call_google.php'; } /* function simpleRegistGoogle_TEST() { //alertLayer("Warning","Being prepared."); document.location.href='/api/call_google.php'; } */ function simpleRegistKakao() { //alertLayer("Warning","Being prepared."); Kakao.Auth.login({ success: function (response) { Kakao.API.request({ url: '/v2/user/me', success: function (response) { console.log(response); form=document.kakaoForm;;;; form.method='post'; form.action='/api/callback_kakao.php'; form.submit(); }, fail: function (error) { console.log(error) }, }) }, fail: function (error) { console.log(error) }, }) } //카카오로그아웃 function logOutKakao() { if (Kakao.Auth.getAccessToken()) { Kakao.API.request({ url: '/v1/user/unlink', success: function (response) { console.log(response); document.location.href='/member/logout.php'; }, fail: function (error) { console.log(error) }, }) Kakao.Auth.setAccessToken(undefined) } } function simpleRegistNaver(url) { document.location.href=url; } function confirmCheck() { confirmLayer("Warning","If you close the window, registration will not be completed. Are you sure you want to cancel your registration?"); } function registMemberCheck_channel(m) { form=document.memberRegistChannelForm;; gNickname=form.nickname.value;; if (!gEmail || $.trim(gEmail)=="") { alertLayer("Warning","Please enter your email address."); //document.location.href='/index.php'; return; } if (!gNickname || $.trim(gNickname)=="") { alertLayer("Warning","Please enter your nickname."); form.nickname.focus(); return; } if (!s_nickname || gNickname!=s_nickname) { alertLayer("Warning","Please check for duplicate nicknames."); return; } if (!$("input[name=ad_agree_channel]").is(":checked")) { alertLayer("Warning","Please select whether to agree or decline to receive advertising information."); return; } /* if (!$('#id_agree_channel').is(':checked')) { alertLayer("Warning","To sign up, you must agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use."); form.agree.focus(); return; } */ form.method='post'; form.action='/member/member_channel_join.php';'hidFrm'; form.submit(); } //심플 가입==================================================================================================== var mobChk=false; function Mobile() { return /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent); } if (Mobile()) {// 모바일일 경우 mobChk=true; } function pageBack() { history.go(-1); }